Natural Dye and Paint F.A.Qs

What are natural paints?

Sustainably harvested from quarries throughout the world, these earth pigments are hand mulled with organic oil to create a completely eco-friendly paint free of fillers, preservatives, heavy metals, etc.

What are natural dyes?

Natural dyes are an integral part of the slow fashion / sustainable fashion movement. They are colors created using plants, insects, or minerals rather than the harsh chemicals used in modern synthetic dyes.

Why use natural dyes?

The fashion industry has become one of the largest polluters on our planet– second only to “big oil” companies. A huge part of this pollution comes from the dyes that are used to color clothing. Natural dyes are an eco-friendly alternative to this, containing none of the harsh chemicals or pollutants found in modern dyes. In addition to being better for our planet, natural dyes are also better for out health; the synthetic dyes used on most clothing can impact our health over time as tiny fiber particles are brought in contact with sensitive skin or inhaled.

How permanent are natural dyes?

The permanence of natural dyes depends on the process in which they are applied; a careful dyer will achieve better results than an impatient one. To properly ensure that the colors are set, the fabric must be scoured and mordanted before it has been introduced to the dye bath. The materials used as dye must be adequately prepared as well, requiring a different process for each material. After dyeing, it is best to allow the fabric to cure or rest for several days or weeks, before it is finally washed. There is a reason natural dyes are referred to as “slow fashion.” The general rule is that colors applied quickly will fade quickly.

If all the necessary steps are followed, natural dyes age better than synthetic dyes. While synthetic dyes fade, natural dyes simply mature, developing new hues and subtle variations throughout the piece that make it more beautiful and visually intriguing over time.

Bee Natural Boutique F.A.Qs

Why the name “Bee Natural Boutique” ?

“Bee Natural Boutique” was chosen for several reasons. First, it is my way of saying that “no bees were harmed in the making of this product.” The plight of the honey bee is near and dear to me, and it should be to you; without bees, our food sources would not be pollinated, and many of the organisms on our  planet would die. To help support our struggling bees, I include a small gift with each purchase: a small packet of pollinator attracting heirloom and wildflower seeds that you can plant in a planter or garden to help support the honey bees and other vital pollinators.

Bee Natural Boutique’s goal is also to promote a healthier, more natural lifestyle. All of our fibers are natural, and dyed with natural dyes; our body products are made with only organic products; our packaging and shipping is biodegradable (labels are written on recycled paper in black walnut ink, and plastic is avoided at all costs); candles are made in recycled bottles; and much more. In addition, we don’t just sell the products– we show you how they are made, and how you can make them yourself right here on this site!

In addition to this, Bee Natural Boutique is a personal project and dream developed by me, “Melissa,” a name that is ancient Greek for “honey bee.”

Are you able to dye accessories to match another color?

Natural dyes are as unpredictable as they are beautiful, and you will never be able to achieve the same color twice. The resulting color from a vat changes according to when/where the dye plant was harvested, the mordant used, the temperature of the vat, and the pH of the vat. Unfortunately, this makes matching an exact color almost impossible; however, I am able to dye you complementary colors!

From where do you get your dye materials?

As I do not like to detract from the food sources of healthy eco-systems, I like to mostly harvest along commonly used roadsides or heavily populated areas, or from my own garden. It is not uncommon to see me deadheading my neighbors’ plants as I walk my dogs (dried out flowers sometimes yield the best colors), or running down city roads gathering fallen walnuts between traffic.

While most materials are harvested in Michigan, some are not naturally available here (like indigo, and cochineal). These products must be sourced from elsewhere. For these sourced products, I make sure to purchase from reputable, organic sellers to provide top quality products.

I also am supported by several local restaurants, who provide me with waste they would otherwise throw away (pomegranate skins, onion skins, etc.)

All of my products and listings clearly state from where the materials were harvested/sourced.

Are you able to replicate a piece that was already sold?

Every piece created is one of a kind, as it is impossible to truly recreate the exact color or design. I am happy to create pieces that are a similar design or color for you!

How long does it take to ship?

I ship each piece within two business days. From there, shipping varies  depending on location. International orders usually arrive within 30 days, but customs can create delays.

Do you sell custom pieces?

Absolutely! Simply message me at Melissa@BeeNaturalBoutique.com with details as to what you would like created!